Introduction to Quantum Computing and Information I
Quantum computing revolutionizes data processing. Beyond the limitations of classical computing, it brings significant transformations in industries and businesses. Preparing for this era, the course aims to introduce:
Quantum Concepts for non-Specialists

Practice with IBM Quantum Composer

Interaction with Real Quantum Computing

Practical Business Applications

Introduction to Quantum Computing and Information I
Quantum computing revolutionizes data processing. Beyond the limitations of classical computing, it brings significant transformations in industries and businesses. Preparing for this era, the course aims to introduce:
After the course, students will understand both the theory and practice of quantum computing, enabling them to actively and innovatively engage in the growing field of quantum technologies in their areas.
Quantum Concepts for non-Specialists

Practice with IBM Quantum Composer

Interaction with Real Quantum Computing

Practical Business Applications

After the course, students will understand both the theory and practice of quantum computing, enabling them to actively and innovatively engage in the growing field of quantum technologies in their areas.
After the course, students will understand both the theory and practice of quantum computing, enabling them to actively and innovatively engage in the growing field of quantum technologies in their areas.